I guess this is Robot Wars meets Game of Thrones? I can’t believe it needs any more of a pitch than that. Honestly now that I’ve written it down, all I want to do is draw robots holding medieval weaponry. 

This particular one came together pretty quickly. Some quick sketches, a bunch of noodling in Blender with Grease Pencil, and then a render pass in Photoshop. 

Again, Grease Pencil helped a lot to establish the form of the design. I find it super useful for any project where I might need to provide turnarounds or a blockout. Being able to grab some renders of your 3d drawing makes the whole process a lot less tedious. 

You can even export the drawing as an FBX, and hand that off along with your concepts, so the next person in the pipeline has a 3D reference inside their modelling package of choice.

Final Concept


Grease Pencil Turnaround

Paintover on top of Grease Pencil 

Paintover on top of Grease Pencil 

Paintover on top of Grease Pencil 

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